Providing Academic and Clinical Support During the COVID-19 School Closure

Following the emergency order by Governor Charlie Baker to suspend normal educational operations at schools, Dearborn Academy will continue to provide remote learning and student and family support for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.


We remain committed to providing academic and clinical support for our students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to our staff’s incredible energy and enthusiasm, students have engaged in spirited conversations on high school Google Classroom accounts and students and caregivers have remained connected through activities and platforms like DearbornConnects, a private school-based Instagram account. Following are just some of the activities we are providing to further enhance learning.


Core Content Area Teaching Teams

Academic/Lesson Expectations

  • For each subject, teachers provide students with access to one main lesson in each core subject.
    • The content is reviewed at the beginning of the lesson.

    • This lesson is provided in the most appropriate format for the content (video, reading, etc.) and for the individual teacher’s preferences/needs.

  • In addition to the instruction, the lesson comes with two to three assignments/assessments for students to complete.

  • We are providing weekly, individualized remote learning plans, like this one: Remote Learning Log Example.


Student Outreach Expectations

  • Teachers and assistant teachers schedule two hours of “office hours” per week.

    • During this time, teaching teams schedule a short call or Zoom conference with individual students to go over that week’s lessons. 

  • Teachers continue weekly Zoom calls with clinicians and students for check-ins to maintain relationships.

  • Teachers frequently monitor Google Classroom and email for student questions.

  • Teachers continue weekly newsletters/Google Classroom chats.  


Caregiver Outreach

  • Our clinical staff continue to respond to caregivers’ specific requests or concerns regarding academic issues.

  • We are offering a caregiver support group. 


Learning Center Specialists

(SLPs, specialized math, OT, reading and writing instructors)

Academic/Service Delivery Expectations

  • Specialists have one to two weekly session(s) (via phone or Zoom) with each student on their caseload.




  • Different teams (shops/art, milieu, nutrition, Spanish) provide one enrichment activity and/or video for each program (one for High School and one for Elementary/Middle School) per week for teachers to add to their newsletter and/or Google Classroom 

  • For Spanish, the enrichment focuses on culture.



Student/Caregiver contact

  • Clinicians continue as the primary contact for families. 

  • Clinicians plan weekly Zoom/phone calls with teachers and individual students.

  • Clinicians also initiate weekly one-to-one check-ins with students/families.