Who We Serve

Dearborn Academy serves a diverse student body in Grades 3 – 12.


Dearborn students have average to above-average cognitive profiles. Many have language-based learning disabilities and many Dearborn students also have anxiety disorders.


Our highly trained faculty, related services providers (e.g., speech and language pathologists and occupational therapists) and clinicians support the individual needs of students with a wide range of challenges including:


  • Language-based learning disabilities

  • Dyslexia

  • Executive functioning challenges

  • Anxiety

  • OCD

  • Depression and mood disorders


Because of our intentionally small size, we are nimble enough to accommodate each student’s unique learning profile and can adapt how we teach content accordingly. Additionally, we are large enough to ensure that every child has the support they need – from related service providers embedded in classrooms to a grade-appropriate foreign-language program – to reach their highest potential. 


Ensuring a Positive Placement


Dearborn Academy’s rigorous admissions process helps to ensure that students are in the most effective educational and social environment to meet their needs. When we admit a student to Dearborn Academy, we have determined that:


  1. We can meet their needs.

  2. The student has the ability to thrive here.

We can also help to assure that students who require other kinds of support are placed in a more appropriate placement. Because we believe all students can achieve in the right setting, students who will not be well-served by the Dearborn program include those with:


  • extreme behavioral challenges or who are physically aggressive

  • significant cognitive impairment


Students and families appreciate Dearborn Academy’s warm, caring environment and emphasis on helping students succeed. We understand each of our student’s academic and emotional needs and focus on helping them achieve ambitious, tailored goals.


Our admissions staff looks forward to working with you to determine if this is the right, most beneficial setting for a student.