What We Do

Dearborn Academy’s specialized educational program addresses the individual needs of students in Grades 3-12 who have not thrived in traditional settings. We teach each student differently, because each student learns differently. Our first priority is to understand how each student learns, as well as how they approach social and emotional challenges. As a result, we are able to customize every educational experience – helping students become more confident, more successful learners; helping them love to learn; and ensuring the most positive outcome. 


We work hard to create a learning community that is accommodating while modelling a typical school day in a traditional educational setting. In addition to observing designated class times and vacation schedules, students are also able to participate in the positive experiences they might miss in their public high schools – like interscholastic sports and graduation. In this way, students feel socially connected in a broader context and their shared experiences build self-esteem. 


We Educate


We are first and foremost an educational institution, and we teach to the Massachusetts State standards. Because our students benefit from learning in nontraditional ways, we also offer a wide range of technical and vocational courses of study, which allow students to discover and explore new areas of competence and interest. 


The Dearborn academic program establishes high standards for everyone. Many of our students come from environments where they weren’t expected to accomplish anything. Here we raise the bar and surpass it. 100% of Dearborn students pass the MCAS.


But that’s not the endgame; there is so much more to do. Educating of course encompasses the academic disciplines, but it also includes equally critical social and emotional components. Educating at Dearborn means preparing students to be wholly equipped to succeed not just in school but in life.