Kayla Abunaw
Rebecca Altepeter
Head of School
Jasnely Bautista
Assistant Teacher
Elijah Brown
Theater Arts Teacher
Dave Casanave
Communications and Marketing Consultant
Claire Cerone
Guidance Intern
Joy Chertow
Small Metals and Jewelry Teacher
Allie Coneys
Nurse Practitioner
Eileen Craven
IEP Coordinator
Allyson Flynn
Reading Specialist
Wendy Forgie
High School Science and
Special Education Teacher
Anna Fox
Assistant Teacher
Sheilah Gauch
Principal and Clinical Director
Sean Gilpatrick
Lori Gorgone
Theresa Harrington
Middle School
Special Education Teacher
Jennifer Harris
Assistant Teacher
Pat Hill
Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Lewis
Ally Mahoney
Clinical Intern
Dayna Mann
Cate Maslan
Guidance Intern
Alison Mehan
Director of Curriculum
and Instruction
Eliot Melo
Facilities Manager
Conor Morey-Barrett
High School Humanities/
History Teacher
Lillie Morgan
Clinical Intern
Lori Murphy
Wilson Certified Reading Teacher
Heather O’Brien
Clinician/Guidance Counselor
Giuliana Pantone
Speech and Language Pathologist
Liz Perrone
Occupational Therapist
Stephanie Pina
Elementary/Middle School
Special Education Teacher
Meaghan Puhl
High School Math/
Special Education Teacher
Rebecca Reed
Health and Wellness Teacher
Suzanne Rivard
Milieu Coordinator
Jill Roberto
Milieu Counselor
Jen Santamaria-Jarbeau
Administrative Assistant
Mairi Scamby
Food Services Coordinator
Brendan Selby
Guidance Counselor
Forrest Simms
Milieu Counselor
Kailey Sparks
High School History/
Special Education Teacher
Isabel Stephens
Assistant Teacher
Pam Sweeney
Learning Center Coordinator
Hannah Sycks
High School English/
Special Education Teacher
Thomas von Huene
Vocational Coordinator
and Metalworking Teacher
Katey Vesta
Assistant Teacher
Paige White
Guidance Counselor
Jane Zell
Art Teacher