School Year 2020-2021 Opening

Dearborn Academy has exciting plans for the 2020-2021 School Year with the safety and security of our students and staff as our guide.


Our plan, as it now stands, is to begin the school with a hybrid model, presented in the chart below. We will work to provide high-quality instruction and services to students who will be in the building with us, and those that remain home – choosing or requiring remote instruction. We know that we may need to shift to all-remote instruction at any time. 

Chart of the Dearborn School Year



Starting on 9/17/20, all students choosing to come to the building for in-person instruction will attend according to the following hybrid model:


All students will attend school in-person on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. with classes and services provided remotely (a mix of staff directed and independent work) in the afternoon. 


All students will engage in remote learning on Wednesdays from 8:15 a.m. until 12:45 p.m.



   FAQs for Transportation


Q: When does transportation need to start for our students?

A: Students in Grades 3-8 will have in-school hours from 8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. on Thursday, 9/10. They will not attend in person on 9/11. 

Students in Grades 9-12 will have in-school hours from 8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. on Friday, 9/11. They will not attend in person on 9/10.


Starting on 9/14, ALL students will have in-school hours from 8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – unless a family has chosen a fully remote model. Districts have the lists of students and their preferences as do we.

Q: How do I know what grade the students are in?

A: Email Kassi

Q: What is the school schedule starting on 9/14?

A: Starting the week of 9/14, all students will attend in-person learning from 8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – unless a family has chosen a fully remote model. Districts have the lists of students and their preferences as do we.

Q: What about Wednesdays?

A: There is no in-person schooling on Wednesday so no transportation needed.

Q: What if a student is not attending in-person school that day?

A: We ask for caregivers to call transportation to cancel transportation. 

Q: Where can I find the school year calendar?

A: The calendar can be found here on our website.